
MedmatchMD Website Is Live!!!

♦️MedmatchMD Website Is Live!!!♦️

♦️ A special shout-out & thank you to those who have visited the site. I appreciate your engagement and I hope the information has been very valuable to you. 


♦️What Does it Do?

Helps Pre-Med Students make an educated decision of choosing the right offshore Caribbean Medical School so they can fulfill their dream of becoming a Practicing Physician in the United States or Canada.


 ♦️How Does it do it?

MEDMATCHMD an online platform that helps premed students narrow down the decision of applying to offshore Caribbean Medical Schools. MedmatchMD easily does the work for you and instantly compares close to 40 Caribbean medical schools with multiple requirements side-by-side, so instead of searching individual schools online for hours, it is easy to get to a decision and choose the right school with a couple of clicks.


♦️How Can you Help? Here is what I need you to do. 

-Go to: medmatchmd.com to Search, Compare & Get to a Decision on attending an off-shore Caribbean Medical School. 

-Visit Blog & read Testimonials from Incredibly talented & amazing docs who graduated from Caribbean Medical Schools! 

-Sign up for our newsletter on the website to get tips on applying to Caribbean Medical Schools 

-Share with Pre-Med Students you know.


To Your Success! 

~Ola Kolawole, M.D. 

-Family Physician, Founder MedmatchMD


#premedstudents, #caribbeanmedicalschool, #img, #keepthedreamalive, #medicine , #medicalschool, #premedinspiration, #premed

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