Welcome To MedmatchMD Blog!
♦️ I help Pre-Med Students make an educated decision about choosing the right Offshore Caribbean Medical School, so they can fulfill their dream of becoming a Practicing Physician in the United States.
♦️ MEDMATCHMD an online platform that helps premed students make an educated decision about choosing the right offshore Caribbean Medical School. MedmatchMD easily does the work for you and instantly compares close to 40 Caribbean medical schools with multiple requirements side-by-side, so instead of searching individual schools for hours, it is easy to get to a decision and choose the right school with a couple of clicks.
~Ola Kolawole, M.D
-Family Physician, Founder MEDMATCHMD
Ps: 🔹Covid-19 Update🔹
During the current Covid-19 pandemic, some Caribbean schools have adopted online learning/remote learning platforms. I recommend you contact the specific school you’re interested in attending to obtain more information.
Blog Posts
Honored to be featured by The Due Influence!
Honored to be Featured by The due Influence-An online educational platform for students to learn about different careers, network, and gain mentorship opportunities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hEzdpuX0HE&t
Read MoreCaribbean Med School Grad & Anesthesiology Resident, Dr. Tayo Akadiri on MedmatchMD Spotlight
In this Video, Dr. Akadiri discusses attending a Caribbean Medical School-American University of the Caribbean (AUC) in the beautiful Island of St. Maarten as well as matching into a competitive-Anesthesiology Residency. He provides a wealth of insight and advise to Premeds and Medical students interested in pursuing a similar. Enjoy! Sign up with MedmatchMD to search close to 40 offshore Caribbean Medical Schools. Did you know that less than 50% of applicants are accepted to US medical schools? Many of…
Read MoreMeet Inspiring Caribbean Medical School Graduate turned Emergency Medicine Resident Physician
MedmatchMD Spotlight of the week is-Dr. Edwin Mendez Velasquez, a proud native of Puerto Rico, Emergency Medicine Resident Physician, Graduate of University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS), an off shore Caribbean Medical School in the beautiful Island of St. Kitts. In this video Dr. Mendez Velasquez talks about attending a Caribbean Medical School and Matching into a competitive Emergency Medicine Residency. He also offers some great advise to premeds/non-traditional premeds seeking to follow a similar path. Enjoy!
Read MoreMedmatchMD Spotlight with Dr. Leenah Chughtai- Internal Medicine Resident, Saba University School of Medicine Graduate
♦️I had a wonderful time chatting with Dr. Leenah Chughtai, a Canadian Graduate of Saba University, an off shore Caribbean Medical School located in Saba, an Island in the Caribbean Netherlands. Dr. Chughtai matched into Internal Medicine Residency this year and she is currently in her first year of Residency. ♦️Check out MedmatchMD spotlight where I highlight Amazing Caribbean Medical Schools, Medical students & Alumni Practicing in the US & Canada. In this video, Dr. Chughtai and I discussed Offshore…
Read MoreShould I attend a Caribbean Medical School?
In this video I discuss why you should consider applying to a Caribbean Medical School if you’re a premed or non traditional premed.
Read MoreCarribbean Medical Schools discussed by two successful Alumni & practicing US Physicians
♦️Check out a video of my childhood BFF & I! Both of us dreamed of becoming doctors, Both of us graduated from a Caribbean Medical School! Both of us Became Doctors👩🏽⚕️👩🏽⚕️, Both of us are Board Certified in Family Medicine….Dreams do come True!💃🏽💃🏽 ♦️Check out MedmatchMD spotlight where I highlight Amazing Caribbean Medical Schools, Medical students & Alumni Practicing in the US & Canada. In case you missed it, check out our spotlight of the week-Doc Omo Oni & I…
Read MoreInterview with Brittanie Hazzard-Bigby, US-IMG, MS3 at University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS)-St Kitts
Read MoreDr. Ola Kolawole, Founder of MedmatchMD discussing Caribbean Medical Schools, MCAT, Virtual Interviews in the Era of Covid 19 pandemic
MedmatchMD one stop platform for Caribbean Medical School Applicants
Read MoreMy Story
It was 2001, I finally decided to pursue my life long dream of becoming a Doctor. I had just walked away from an amazing masters program in Physical Therapy……nothing wrong with Physical Therapy but the truth was somewhere deep in my inner core, I knew I wasn’t pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor, and in turn felt a sense of unfulfillment. I applied to a couple of Canadian and US Medical schools but was not accepted….. as you can…
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